Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby 90 and 91 - Part 2 of 3

I work with Adam for a week non-stop.  He introduces new content almost everyday.  The next day I get my yellow belt and he introduces me to some grabs and holds.  I learn how to get out a choke, wrist grabs, full nelsons, and many others I can't remember anymore.  On the day I receive my orange belt, he starts to show me rolls and how to fall.  Apparently, learning how to fall properly is a worthwhile technique to learn.

I earn my green belt and Adam shows me how to meditate.  I really like meditating because it doesn't require any physical work.

I also start to break boards.  Thin ones at first and then we move onto thicker ones.  I'm surprised at my new found strength but Adam says that anyone of any size can break a board if they have the correct technique.

On the last day, I earn my blue belt and Adam and I spar once again.  I've gotten really good at it and it's evident because this time I'm the one throwing the punches and kicks.  I've even noticed that I'm as fit as ever.  I actually have visible muscles.  If this is what I can become after a week of Sim Fu, I'm almost scared to see how fit Adam is.  I wouldn't mind getting a peek....

I drive myself home that night promising that I'll continue my lessons with Adam once I became pregnant and have the baby.  He seemed quite sad that I was going but to my disappointment he made no effort to ask me out on a date.  The kids are wild and scrambling into bed when I unlock the front door. 

I tell them sweet dreams, send them to bed, and then go to the nursery where I rock each of the twins to sleep.  The babysitter must have done a good job wearing them out because they're asleep very quickly.  I lay them in their cribs and the I hit my bed with a thud and fall to sleep instantly.

I wake up to Brite's green eyes staring back at me.  He makes a sort of chirp-like noise and runs out the room.  I dress, feed the cats, and get the kids ready for school.

Once they leave for school, I manage to make it out the door with the two toddlers clung around my neck.

I make it to the sperm bank and pick up some sperm from Paisley's son, Joshua Parker.

Once the twins are asleep, I run to the computer as quickly as I can to look for updates on Luke's status. All it says is that he's now sentenced to a few years in jail and about twenty-five hours of community service.  Had he actually killed Charlie Sykes and his jail sentence would be longer.

On a whim, I realize what I should probably do: visit Luke.

I'm out the door faster than you can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (or however it takes you to look up how to spell it).


  1. Caaaallllliiiiiisssssttttttaaaaaaa... Use your seduction powers on Adam so you can get a peek! (Actually, maybe a bit more than just a peek. ;D)

    Oh goodness, I'm so excited to see how things turn out with Luke. (And a bit nervous!)

    Lovely post, I can't wait to read part three.

    1. I really hope that this happens, though I can't guarantee anything.

      I'm nervous too!! I wrote out the conversation already and I just hope that it's, er, "realistic" enough. It better be entertaining enough too. People seem to be expecting it. And most importantly, I hope it's actually logical and makes sense.

      Part three should be out soon!!!

  2. This...is gonna be interesting. Luke behind bars, and yet Calista still wants to go see him?


    (My comment is gonna be short and probably not making any sense, but I'm typing this before school and I kinda have to go right now. O.O)

    I'm so anxious to see the next post... It might mean the end of Team Adam. You have quite an interesting mind, so I'll never know what you'll decide!

    1. Oh, I know! It's going to be very strange.... Oh, I'll make sure that she doesn't fall for him. I think Adam's going to be "the one."

      Baha, I'll take that as a compliment. :D

      Thanks for commenting, Destiny! <3

  3. I agree with Amanda and Des, Calista NEEDS to use her Seduction powers on Adam, because we are on TEAM ADAM!!!

    I am so anxious for the next post because it looks like it's going to be real interesting.

    Sorry for the short comment, I really need to go into game because I have so much to do! Great post Molly!! :D

    1. BAHAH, Team Adam ftw!!!

      I hope it's interesting. Otherwise, I'll be sad. :\

      That's okay! Thanks for commenting, Kurtis!

  4. The twins are so cute! I love the nursery :)

    I hope the babies get their father's skin.

    I can't wait to see Luke behind bars. I have a feeling it may be a bit comical xD


    1. Ooh, thanks! I try to update it every so often (which reminds me, I should do that next time I'm in game).

      I did too. Unfortunately, I aged the kids up and they didn't have any of their father's features (skin, hair, and eyes).

      I'm trying to make it funny. Not sure if I'm succeeding.

  5. I'm sorry to say that Adam is very nice and all, but I still like Luke. People betray others too easily, but I suppose love is a fickle thing.

    I am rather looking forward to the next post, it promises to be entertaining to say the least.


    1. I'm glad there are still people rooting for Luke. I'd be one of those people who betray others easily. *shields face*

      Hehe, I hope it's entertaining. :D

  6. **WAY more than just a peek ;)Haha Calista, use those awesome seduction powers of yours :) Adam seems like an easy guy to....get going, as some would call it ;)

    ENOUGH WITH THE SEX REFERENCES. That was great and you'd better get Part 3 out cause you can just leave it like that, no no no....


    1. Your comments always make me laugh! He is quite the softie (except when doing Sim Fu).

      It'd be cruel if I didn't post Part 3. >:]

  7. I'm still Team Luke♥
    Loved it, can't wait for part 3 :D

    1. Yay, another Team Luke! Awesome!

  8. GAH!! Come on Adam! Ask her out, tell her you love her, KISS HER!!!
    Love the post like I love all your posts. :) Keep em coming your almost finished with the challenge! :D

    (aka Dawn Turner)

    1. I know, that's what I'm saying!!! >.<

      Don't worry, it'll come eventually.


  9. Oh no! There could be two outcomes for her visting Luke. It could happen nicely or end badly. I'm so nervous for the next post, but this was a great post!


    1. Don't worry, the next post isn't going to be too terrible. ^_^ I'll make sure to make it was nervous-less as I can.
