Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baby 90 and 91 - Part 1 of 3


Just a warning, there is a bit of foul language.  I don't swear at all in real life so I hope I'm doing it right....  Gosh, I'm probably just embarrassing myself.  There's isn't really a "right" way to swear.  I should just shut up and let you carry on.

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"Calista," Adam says sincerely.  "I've always loved you and I've been so ignorant.  I knew I liked you the moment I saw you.  And I kept asking you on all of these rather strange outings because I'm too nervous to ask you out on a date.  Calista Smith," he says, getting down on one knee, "will you go out on a date with me?"

"Adam of course I will!  All you had to do in the first place was ask you know."

"Yeah, I know," he smiles as he gets up.  "Thank you Calista.  Now, I have one more thing to do...."

He leans in and gently presses his lips to mine.  I do all I can to restrain myself from grabbing him and doing him right there.

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"Calista?"  Adam is looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

Damn, I was daydreaming.  I wash the disappointment from my face and smile sweetly, "Yes Adam?"

"I just want to let you know that I'm here for you."   Really?!  I look at him eagerly, hoping to replay my daydream.  "I heard about your boyfriend, Luke Lockhart.  You don't need to be embarrassed."  

Again, the disappointment hits me like a rock.  No, more like a boulder.  With spikes that shoot pee.  It takes a disappointing event like this one to really prove how much I like Adam.  I hadn't realized how strong my feelings were for him.

"Oh yeah, he's not really my boyfriend anymore.  So I'm free to date other people, ya know?"  I say trying really hard to give him a little hint.  He doesn't take to the bait.

"Okay.  I'm glad that you know that I'm here for you.  Also, I was wondering if you'd be interested..." he starts to say.

"Yes!"  I blurt out.

"Um okay," he says confused at my sudden willingness. "Meet me at my house tomorrow at around 4?"  I nod.  "Oh, and remember to wear comfy clothes."

Comfy clothes? I think.  What are we planning on doing?  I look up to ask him but he's already waving and zenporting away.

The next morning, the kids age up.  Lacie and Alice are excited to finally move out on their own.  They both plan on opening an art shop to sell their work.

Fergus ages up into a teen.  I'm shocked to see such a dramatic hair change but he's even more sweet and caring.  Also, he claims that he looks, "bad-ass."

The triplets age up into such cute kids.  Nathaniel is pretty lenient for being the middle triplet.
The twins are adorable.  Kyla has her father's blond-blue hair and Evangeline has my blue hair.  Neither of them sports their father's wonderful blueish greenish eyes.

I spend about an hour on my outfit before I go to Adam's.  I try on some loose-fitting shorts and a layered shirt.  It's doable and sort of cute (possibly a bit sexy?) so I go with it.  I also throw on a pair of blue socks with some cute tennis shoes and walk out the door.  Once I get there, I leave my shoes in the car and tediously walk to the front door with my sock feet making sure to be careful not to get them too dirty.  I ring the doorbell and Adam answers soon after.  The moment our eyes meet, he gives me the biggest smile.  

"How do I look?" I say as flirtatiously as I can.

"You look wonderful as always," Adam manages to say, looking a bit uncomfortable.

He looks me up and down.  When he gets to my feet he says, "You might want to take those off though."

Confused, I laugh and take them off.  "I'm going to go use the bathroom quick."

"Okay, sounds good.  I have a student downstairs so meet me in the basement when you're done."  I nod and scamper off into the bathroom and close the door.  

In the bathroom I smack myself in the forehead.  How could I have been so ignorant?  Of course we were going to do Sim Fu lessons.  How could I have possibly thought he was just going to take off my clothes and make love to me.  Stupid stupid stupid.

I take a deep breath through my nose and blow the air out in an attempt to calm myself.  Then, I go to the bathroom, just in case Adam happens to be standing out there, flush the toilet, and wash my hands with some very nice smelling soap.

Before going to the downstairs that I didn't even know existed until now, I put my socks into the car.  They embarrassed me so much I just want to go home and burn them.  Then dance on the ashes.

I think about where the steps could be that lead to the basement.  During the house tour that I took back when I first met Adam, I didn't recall seeing any steps.  Using my excellent deductive reasoning skills, I conclude that the entrance to the basement must be outside of the fence's perimeter.  Finally, I spot the staircase.  It's in the back just near the outer edge of the fence.

Following me down the steps is Kadie.  As we walk down, I hear a female voice.  Oh great, another mysterious female.  

Coming down the stairs, I notice very familiar bright orange hair.

"Paisley?!?" I say aghast.  Once I see her more clearly in the mirror, I know it's her.  How could I mistake those gorgeous green eyes?

"Calista!  I didn't know you took Sim Fu lessons!"

"Yeah, I didn't either, until quite recently....  Anyway, I should say the same to you!"

"You know all those stories about challenge mothers having creepy stalkers and kidnappers right?  Well, I heard that Adam was an excellent Sim Fu teacher so I called him up and decided to learn the basics.  I've signed myself up for the  'Learn Sim Fu in 1 week' session.  Then, I'll be packing up and going home.  Adam's a great teacher."

"I'll leave and give you ladies some private time to catch up.  I need to go prepare for our class, Calista.  I'll be ten minutes.  Kadie, girl, come on," Adam politely interrupts.  Kadie whines and does not get up.

"It's okay if she stays, Adam.  We don't mind," I say, turning back to Paisley.

He smiles and walks up the staircase.

"Oh my god, Calista.  You sure landed a sweetheart.  Gah, you need to marry him.  He's definitely the one, if you know what I mean," she winks at me, making a general gesture toward the stairs.

"Oh I know, he's great!  But right now we're just friends.  I don't even know if he likes me yet.  And with the whole Luke thing, I'm not sure if I'm ready to date anyone new yet."

"Calista, sorry, I didn't realize," Paisley says worriedly.

"It's okay Pais.  Nothing is your fault, things are just... complicated right now."

Paisley laughs, "I know what you mean!  Well, I'd better go, tomorrow is the last class and I'm leaving right afterward so I have to go pack.  Talk to you later, Calista!  I hope we see each other soon."

We hug and then part.  Paisley walks up the stairs and nearly a second later Adam comes back down.

His hair is newly combed and the sweat has been dried from his forehead.  Also, his uniform looks newer indicating that he probably changed.

"Ready for your lesson?" Adam asks.

I nod silently.  My heart is pounding.  I've never had much of an interest in sports and I thank my metabolism for keeping me skinny.  Now that I think of it, I should probably thank my kids too.  They definitely keep me on my feet.

"Don't worry, we'll start out easy.  Let's start with some stretches," Adam begins.  It's as if he can read my mind.  I'm freaked out already.  Then again, he's done some pretty amazing things.  I shouldn't be that surprised.  We stretch for fifteen minutes and by the end of the stretch I'm able to touch my toes so I'd call that a good sign.  

Then Adam sets me up at the training dummy.  It's purple (no surprise there) and it just looks so perfect that I'm afraid of taking the first hit.  He explains all of the Sim Fu basics before I even get a chance to say anything.  It's wonderful to see him so into what he does.  As he explains it to me, I can really tell that he's not bored at all with what he's saying and doing even though it's obvious that he's definitely recited this speech hundreds upon thousands of times.

"Okay Calista, it's best to keep your arms in a fighting position at all times.  If someone were really trying to attack you, it's best to block.  Of course, the first option that is always the most effective would be to run."

Over the course of the day, Adam drilled the material into my head.  Of course, we took breaks.  I wouldn't want you to think he was abusing me or anything.  He got really into his teaching.  By the end of the day he was really belting out commands.

"Keep your arms up!"

"Balance yourself out!"

"Extend your kicks out more!"

By the end of the day, I was beyond exhausted.  But it was a good exhausted feeling.  It gave me the feeling of accomplishment.

The next day, my muscles ache but I take some Advil and drive over to Adam's.  He's very happy to see me.

"Calista!  Guess what?  You earned your white belt!"  Adam exclaims.  The look on his face is full of pure excitement.  I immediately go to the bathroom to try it on and meet Adam downstairs.

"Wow, I look so much more professional now!  I love it!"  I say gleefully.

"Now that you're a white belt, we can try to start sparring."  Seeing the horror that must have appeared on my face Adam adds, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

"Ready?"  He asks.

"Ready.  I think."

The "sparring" isn't much sparring.  It's mostly Adam throwing punches and kicks at me while I attempt to use the day-old information in my head to block him.  I'm successfully block 40% of the hits aimed at me, which I think is pretty good.  God, I ache so badly.  Why did I agree to do this?  Oh right, I didn't.

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Thank you Paisley Parker for letting me have Paisley in my game and for letting me use Paisley's son, Joshua, as a challenge father (he will be mentioned in the next post).  

I hope you enjoyed reading!!  



    I was starting to get excited, and it turned out to be a daydream?



    And a more positive note, Kyla has got to be the cutest thing ever. I love her hair color! ♥

    I'm gonna end this comment now, before I go on a cussing spree. Awesome post, and I'm so excited for the next two parts!

    1. On a more positive*

      And first comment, yay!

    2. Sorry about the disappointment. I tend to do that a lot.

      Kyla is beautiful! I'm so glad my game is working with me and letting the father's genes show through.

      I hate how I make my posts into parts but if I didn't, it'd be a long wait between each post.

      Congrats! :D

  2. Thank you so much for putting Paisley in that post, and for using Joshua as a father! It was so cool to see her in your blog! <3

    I'm excited to see Josh's babies :D

    Adam is so... just... I love him so much! ^_^

    Loved it, as usual! I'm very excited for the next post!

    1. No problem Paisley! And I'm sorry about taking so long to do it.

      I hope at least one of the babies gets his cool skin tone or hair.

  3. WHY WHY WHY Did it have to be a dream! WHY!

    I loved loved loved this post.

    P.S (Note to Adam ~ ASK HER OUT ALREADY!)

    1. I know, I feel bad about disappointing you guys.

      Adam needs a bigger hint next time. He really needs a friend to help him through sorting out his feelings. I don't think he really knows what to do. :P

  4. I thought that Adam was going to propose lol XD
    Really liked this post, happy to see Calista's happy AND the babies are too darn cute!
    ~Natalie (Love)

    1. Haha, I'd cry if that happened; I'd be so happy!!!

      The kids are uber adorable. I just wanna eat them all up!

  5. Wait I'm really was a dream? Where....I didn't see....what? He got down on one knee and then asked her out, was that the dream? I'm sooo confused O.o

    Anyway, all the kiddies are super cute and I can't wait for part 2 :D


    1. The first two pictures were a dream. I suppose I could have edited the pictures to make them more daydreamish. After the kiss, Calista swears and says that she's disappointed that it was all a dream.

      Sorry for confusing you. Things always make sense in my head and then they don't make sense when I try and write them out.

  6. Ok I admit it... I am really starting to like Adam xD He's so sweet and very handsome!

    I loved this! Great Job! :D


    1. Hehe, I'm glad you're starting to like him. I haven't met anyone who doesn't. Although, I've been very unrealistic. I haven't made any of his qualities undesirable ones.

  7. So. Many. Feelings. GAH!

    I love Adam. I really do. He's just so sweet!(Plus he amuses me with his Sim Fu teaching methods. ;])

    1. I'm there with you. I have no idea what I'm doing with these two. -_-

      Haha, it's kind of scary seeing Adam as a tough person. He seems like such a sweet, innocent little boy to me.

  8. So I don't even know where the foul language came into play..... lolzzz

    I LOVE ADAM! I WANT HIS FACE ON A REAL SHIRT!!!!! No lie. He's such a gentleman. But seriously boy?! Pick up what she's throwin down! Cuz I want her to have yo' babies!

    All the kids are ridiculously adorable! And I love the color of greenish blue the triplets are. So precious!

    Great post darlin!


    1. Yeah, I probably didn't have to add that but I used the "D-word" in the first paragraph and I used the word "badass" (oops, there I go again) under the picture of Fergus. I'm such a baby. Even though I'm old enough to be an expert swearer, I don't swear at all in real life so I feel "bad" when I do. I guess I make too big of a deal out of the whole thing.

      Lol, it'd be funny if someone did that. I'd buy it. :P Although I want Cadam babies, I'm afraid they'll look weird.

      I love how the triplets turned out. They're gorgeous!!!!! ^_^

    2. Well hey, that's not a bad thing!!!! There's so much swearing in the world today thzt I find it refreshing :)

      Haha I am seriously thinking about doing it heehee. And psh, I think they'd look fine! I think the only problem would maybe be both of their sharper noses. (Not an offense, just observation!)But there's only one way to know for sure *wink wink* ;)

      And augh ik! So jealous!


  9. It was a dream! Aww I was really excited! But anyway everybody grew up great!! ADAM is just perfect for Calista! I liked it when he was giving commands!

