Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Baby 88 and 89 - Part 3 of 3

"Calista, relax, she's just a potential buyer.  The open house closed a few minutes ago but I let her stay late and finish looking at the house."  Adam reassures me.  I feel foolish for thinking that the woman could have been his girlfriend or significant other.

I manage to throw out a laugh, "I knew that."

Adam throws a glance at me, "Oh really?  Cause the blush on your face tells me that you didn't."

"You're joking right?  Now, what was that problem that you 'invited' me here for, smart boy?"

The woman leaves hurriedly after seeing my reaction to her presence.  I want to say something but she waves it away saying that it's, "No problem."  Disappointed, I purse my lips.  Why couldn't I just keep my emotions to myself.  I'm not normally this... what's the word...?  Obnoxious?  Rude?  

Noting my somewhat hormonal mood, Adam removes his hand and brings me into the room.

"And this is my issue," he says grandly, gesturing to the big space on the wall in front of us.  Eyeing it for a short time, I know exactly how to solve the problem.

"Ready for a shopping trip, Cohen?"

Uneasily he says, "Um, I guess?"

Getting into my car, I drive us to the pet store.  I wave to the store clerk and pull Adam over to the cages upon cages of small rodents and reptiles.

"Do I even want to know why we're here?"  He asks.

 "I think you're smart enough to figure it out," I say and he casts his eyes down.  I continue, "I've noticed how interested you seem in animals and it definitely shows with all of those horse related ornaments and supplies around your house.  You really should add some more life to the house, instead of having some old wood engravings of horses that don't do much."

He finally meets my eye and grins sheepishly.  "I suppose you're right.  Hmmm, how about a snake?  I've always loved snakes."

"Um, I was thinking of something more inviting.  How about this little guy?  He's cute and fluffy."

Adam laughs deeply and says, "You're probably right.  What was I thinking?  Putting a snake in a room full of prospective house buyers."

We play with the little rodent until it poops in Adam's hands.  After that, we quickly put it back into the cage and Adam goes and washes his hands about forty times.  

While he's in the bathroom, I pick out a turtle.  It's not as loud as a wombat and it's much friendlier looking than a snake.  We decided to put the little guy on hold while we go out and shop for a nice landscape painting for above the cage.

Finally, we arrive home and Adam and I set everything up.  It's mostly him setting everything up and me telling him what to do.  Sometimes being pregnant (even just a little bit) has its perks.  We find some old bookshelves in the basement that match the bookshelves in the living room, so Adam brings those up and I organize the books on them.  He hangs the painting while I get the cage ready, and I find a nice plant from outside which Adam transplants into a nice pot.

Putting food in the turtle's food dish is the last thing we do before stepping back and admiring out hard work.  The turtle seems rather pleased with his living arrangement.

We did well and even Kadie seems to agree.  Adam and I stand there silently applauding ourselves.

I shuffle my feet and start to speak as Adam does.  "You first," he says.

"I think I should go, it's getting late.  You?"

Disappointment washes over his face and the only thing giving it away are his eyes.  He looks down, and I've noticed that he does this when he's uncomfortable or sad.  "I was just going to ask you to stay for dinner.  But you really should leave.  Your kids could be worried.  I was such an idiot for taking you away from them for so long."

"No, Adam, it's totally fine.  I had a great day," I smile.

He shrugs and smiles back.  Then he puts a friendly arm around my shoulder and walks me to the door.

"I can't thank you enough for what you've done.  Your decorating skills are far more superior than mine," he starts off saying.

"Thank you, Adam.  Those are some of the nicest things I've heard in a long time.  I really did mean it when I said I had a great day."

He grabs my hand slowly.  "Calista, has anyone ever told you that you're a fantastic woman?  Any man should be grateful to have you in his life."  He hesitates and has second thoughts about grabbing my other hand.

Finally, he just ends with a kiss on my hand.  His lips are much softer than they appear and unlike Luke, Adam's upper lip is free of stubble, something I haven't really experienced since I was with Simon.

We part and I walk to the car replaying what had just happened.  Was he about to take my other hand?  Could we have kissed?  Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I start the engine and drive away, careful to watch for Kadie as I pull out into the street.
It's been a few months since my last visit with Adam and the kids are growing up well.  I don't want to bore you with the usual comings and goings at our house but let's me just say that the teenage girls are excelling at their sculpting skills and the toddlers are learning and exploring so many different things.

I'm due today so I plop the kids in front of the television and let the older kids do whatever they want (except sell drugs and have sex for money) while I go and paint in the art room with nice soothing music on.  Brite comes in at around four o'clock and knowing my cats' extremely good labor predictions, I know that the baby is on its way.
I give birth to twins, Kyla Lais and Evangeline Adelaide.

I set them into their cribs and continue my painting as if I didn't just give birth ten minutes ago (it's a well known ability of us challenge moms).  Instantly, I see a bright green glow come from outside.  Curious, I walk outside (but not before telling the kids to get ready for bed because it's nearly five in the morning).

"Adam?!" I manage to force out.  How is it possible that he could have gotten in my backyard.  "Di- did you see that green light?"

"Actually," he says, rubbing his neck and looking down, "I was the cause of it."

Confused I don't say anything.

"There's this technique in Sim Fu called Zenporting, an extension of meditation that rumor says only true masters know, and I never knew it existed until I ended up here."

"And you happened to be meditating at five in the morning?"

"Yeah I'm an early riser.  Hey, I can ask you the same question, why were you doing what you were doing this early in the morning?"

"Well, if you didn't notice, I just gave birth to twins, a laborious effort."

"Oh sweet, can I see them?"

"First tell me something, what brought you here?  How does Zenporting work exactly?"

"No one really knows but once I study it a bit more, I think I'll crack the code.  I'm not sure why I ended up here.  Perhaps it takes one to his or her favorite place."

"I would have thought that to be where you practice martial arts."

"Eh, it's just a hunch.  I'm not sure if that's actually true or not...," Adam says, coming closer.  Then he adds, "Hey, while I'm here, I wanted to ask you something...."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Harrison eventually married the model, Erica Beighley.  Since Erica couldn't have kids due to some childhood issues, they planned to go around and travel the world before thinking about settling down and possibly adopting.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Thank you Megs for the awesome names!  

To anyone, feel free to suggest names.  I can never have too many good names especially with all of Calista's grandchildren and such.  

Thanks for reading!  


  1. EEPBEEPBEEPBOBAHWAH! <---- Happy sound.
    Adam is so darn adorable. I just can't take it. I can't wait to see what he has to say. O_O

    "...and let the older kids do whatever they want (except sell drugs and have sex for money)"
    That had me cracking up. So doing drugs is fine as long as they don't sell them? ;)

    Harrison's wife is gawjus, dawling.

    Great post! I can't wait for the next one.

    1. Gah, I love hearing your happy sounds. Okay, that sounds a bit weird... >.> I love Adam too! I'm so excited to start something with those two.

      Oh darn, I should probably add "don't do drugs at all." Oh well, it was the spur of the moment and that's what I felt like typing.

      Daw, thanks dawlin'. I take pride in my sim-creating skillz.

      Thanks for commenting, Laura! :D

  2. Love love love it! First of all throughout this whole chapter I wanted Calista to Kiss Adam!!!!!!!

    The babies are seriously cute.

    I love the way you re-decorated Adam's house, so nice!

    And finally, the last part got me in an cliffhanger state!!!!

    That actually wasn't the final thing, there's two more things,
    Harrsion's wife in your story is so pretty!
    And GREAT chapter!

    1. Same! I really want them together. I feel bad about just forgetting about Luke so quickly.

      Thanks! I like how his house turned out too. I actually put some effort into it.

      I liked how Harrison's wife turned out too. He can have a different life in your game and my game. ^_^


    Excuse my freaking out. It's just...bleh. I don't know how to describe it. They look incredibly good together.

    Much better than her and Luke *cough cough*.

    AND HE'S SO SWEET! I mean, he kissed her hand, like a gentleman out of the medieval era...

    I usually also comment on the children's appearance, but this comment is solely dedicated to those two...


    Now we need a good couple name. I can't keep referring to them as "those two".

    Anyhow, fantastic post. I've been counting the days, waiting for a new post. ^_^ You're so close to finishing!

    1. I actually don't know what to do for the next post. I have no idea what to make him say. O.O

      I like them better than Luke. I like that Adam's not some fancy celebrity. He's a normal guy who happens to be awesome.

      I can't seem to figure out a good couple name. I'm going to try to think of one this week.

      Only 11 more to go!

      Thank for commenting, Destiny! <3

  4. Love the post. :D
    Oh my gosh they seriously need to hook up already. GAH!! This guy could be the one, the one she could marry one day. They make such a beautiful couple. >.<
    Love your newest babies. :) Can't wait to read more of your posts soon. :)

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. Thanks Dawn! I know, I LUV them together! I really hope that he's the one. But I'm still not sure yet. >.<

      Gah, that babies are adorable! I love all of Calista's kids as well.

  5. OMG. OHMYGOD. "(except sell drugs and have sex for money)" that was frickin hilarious xDD I love you (in a totally non-lesbian way) xDD

    ADAM. YOU NEED TO GET UR BUTT IN GEAR, BOY! ASK HER OUT NOOOOOW!! <3 Or else I'll ask her out for you (again, in a totally non-lesbian way) :)

    YOU CAN'T JUST END IT RIGHT THERE! YOU HORRIBLE PERSON! Jkay I love youuuu (omg, again, not in a lesbian way, i swear)

    Now that we've officially confirmed my sexual interests, great chapter!! :)

    1. Bahaha, I like to add a little bit of humor to the story. Sometimes my writing seems too bland.

      I know! He's been making so many excuses. Technically he's sort of had a date with her but yeah, they don't really count. He's definitely gotta make a move soon. >.<

      Luv ya too Izzi! (In a non-lesbian way of course!)

      Your comment had me laughing so hard. I swear, you're hilarious. :P

      Thanks for the comment Izzi!

  6. Awwwws! Omg totally breakin out a team Adam tshirt. I've been swayed! He's such a gentleman and is super freakin cute! I love it! Augh!
    I looooooove Erica! Like seriously if she could have kids her and Harrison's children would be amazingly cute.
    So I dunno if this sounds flattering or really creepy but every time you use a name I suggest I get like all little kid excited. For realzies it's like I won the lottery.... So yay!!!! I'm glad you like my name suggestions :)

    I can't believe the challenge is almost over :( *sob*. Whatever will I do without my daily dose of Calista Smith?!? Wahhhhhhh
    As usual great chapter! Loved it!!!! ^_^

    1. I need to make a "Team Adam" shirt. That would be awesome. I'm glad everyone likes him. The only thing I hate about him is his hair color. It's a weird brown. But that's hardly a dislike compared to all of the good things about him.

      I love having your participate with all of those names. I hope you don't mind that I use them for middle names and for Calista's grandchildren at times. It's only because I'm afraid I won't be able to use all of them for Calista's kids.

      Only eleven more to go! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Calista's family after the challenge but I know that she's not going away!

      Wow, I was replying to a comment above and it refreshed the page and your comment appeared. What a coincidence!!

    2. I suppose that's understandable.... Oh wells... I'll make you a shirt lol

      totally fine! Honestly I'm surprised you use them all. I just give a ton for more options! Heehee

      And phew! Thank goodness!
      And mwahahahaha that's because I am a magical ninja with epic computer controlling powers! .... In my dreams.... Or are they?! *said in mysterious question tone*

    3. Oh my gosh, I'd love for you to make a shirt for my sims to wear.

      I've actually already made a shirt (I worked my butt off tonight) but I'd love some variations and options for people to download if they'd like to. So please do! :D

  7. WOW I cant believe I caught up with the story finally!!
    Been loving it, cant wait for the new chapters!!

  8. Great post i love adam so awesome and cute^__^
    i've started my challenge now so i hope you check it out:)
    that would be awesome

  9. SO HAPPY!!! And LOVE the names!!! Great post!


  10. ADAMMMMM!!!! You have made me supppper HAPPY!!!:D Love the redecoration...very creative :) grrrrrrr..you have me pounding on my keyboard, begging Adam to ask her out NOWWWWW!!!! Gosh, boy, how much patience do you think I have? lol

    1. I just want to go out and tell you that I've really enjoyed reading all of your comments. :) I'm so happy you took the time to comment. They really made my day. I replied to a few of yours, so feel free to go check them out. ^_^

      Lol, thanks. :P Makes for a nice "first date." :P Lol, Adam is a man of patience.

      I'm very surprised you were able to get through the beginning of my challenge. Definitely not my greatest there.... >.< I didn't start getting serious about my challenge until the 30th baby or so. But I'm so happy you've been enjoying it so far. Again, I hope you go back and look at some of my replies. ^_^ Thank you again for reading!!!!! :D
