Saturday, October 22, 2011

Facebook... Finally!

I have officially made a facebook page for Calista!


  1. Great, this means I can friend you, and Skye can friend you! I'm so pleased!

  2. Yay! Did Destiny bully you into one? :)

  3. *coughcough* You addressed Trufflelegacy as me.. *coughcough*

    I'm just so happy that you got FB! I really was prepared to come over here every post and banter on about you getting Facebook. xD

  4. @Skye - Yay, we're friends!

    @Truffle - Haha, no. I've wanted one for a long time and never really got to making one. Also, my friends wanted me to get one too. I saw your comments on Destiny's wall about bullying me into getting one. It made me laugh and I feel so loved!! :)

    @Destiny - Oops! *blush* Thanks for telling me, I'm a bit embarrassed but I've fixed it now! I think I was reading her comment about you while I was replying back to her. I guess I'm not that good at multitasking. :o

    I'm happy I got a FB too! I don't know why I didn't get one earlier and I really was missing out on a lot. I hadn't realized the Sims community was so vast!
