Okay, here's what I have so far for my Baby 47 - Part 2 post. This is just an idea I had to possibly put at the end of the post. I just wanted to throw it out there because I hate keeping it to myself. Give me your thoughts and comments!
Also, if you forgot what has happened previous to this post here's a summary:
Calista and Simon had finally found out that they both loved each other deeply. Unfortunately, Simon was married to Calista's sister. Calista might/might not be pregnant with the next challenge father's baby. At the end of the last post, Simon found out that Alicia (his wife and Calista's sister) had cheated on him with an unknown man. This gave him the chance to finally be with Calista. Calista does not know that this happened because I have assumed that Alicia decided not to tell anyone about her break up with Simon.
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Baby 47 - Part 2: SPOILER
The new babies (baby 47 or possibly 48 and/or 49) were in their cribs. I had finally managed to find some peace and quiet. Of course, my serenity was immediately disturbed when my phone vibrated and played its cheesy, yet addicting, little jingle. I pulled it out to see who it was. Of course. I took a deep breath before answering. I was ready. I had made up my mind, my decision was final.
Calista: Hello?
Simon: Thank goodness you picked up. I can finally speak to you. I need to see you. I have something to tell---
Calista: Just stop Simon. I have something to tell you first.
Simon: But---
Calista: Simon, we can't do this. I can't do this especially right under my sister's nose. It's not right and we have to STOP.
Simon: Right, well Calista, I was just going to say something about that. I---
Calista: No Simon. Don't you understand? I can't see you anymore. I love you but... not enough to keep doing this.
Simon: Wait!!
With a mighty effort I shut my phone off. I really hoped he knew that I didn't mean those last words. They were definitely not true. I heard the home phone ring but I ignored it. I already knew who it was but I really didn't, couldn't talk to him anymore. Part of me wanted to answer it so I could tell him that I loved him again and that this was hurting me just as much as it was hurting him. I just didn't want to be the kind of person who goes around hurting their older sister's feelings. A little voice inside me retorted, Well, she did hurt you once with your boyfriend, Kendall! I ignored that too. I was not looking for revenge. I took more deep breaths. In... out.... It felt good. I felt... good?
I picked up the newspaper I had brought out with me and as I turned to the front page a flyer fell out of it for the annual race car tournament.
Hmm..., this looks interesting. I could definitely take a few of the kids to this. Or Simon, added the voice. I quickly scratched that thought. Yes, I could definitely go to this. It would be a good experience as well as a distraction from.... I sidetracked, perhaps I could find the next father?
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That's all I have for the next post. It's awfully hard to write a post without the pictures esp. if I don't know if I can take pictures for some of the things I write about. I guess I'll just write the next question here.
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Question #5
Along the lines of favorite sims here, what is your favorite sim that you have made, seen, played with, etc.?
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My answer:
I'd have to say that my favorite sim is Calista, my challenge mother. Of course, I didn't really make her (her parents had her and I made her parents).
I just want to side track here. I think it's really cool how I didn't make Calista. Sure I made her parents but I didn't CAS her. She is beautiful, but if I had to make a challenge mother in CAS she would look a little different (I'd probably change her nose? It bothers me in some pictures). Well, anyway, beside Calista, I also like making really colorful sims, like the fathers for the challenge or the spouses of Calista's children. Well, that was my answer, I can't wait to read your feedback!